I started going to church with a friend of mine. It seemed harmless enough,
and I enjoyed the feeling of being part of a special group. After a couple
of months, it got out of control. They convinced me to attend bible study
twice a week, and before I knew it I'd attended an anti-gay rally and
pledged to give up masturbation. I even started to listen to Christian
rock music
I can't tell you how horrible that was. One day I realized
it had taken over my life. I'd stopped visiting my other friends, and
I spent all my time trying not to think lascivious thoughts. I realized
it had to stop. Thank goodness I found exexExchurch. They helped me to
find a balance in my life again.
- Eddie, 29.
I was brought up in an atheist household, so when I first discovered
church it all seemed so illicit and naughty. It became a guilty habit
I'd secretly attend a church service and indulge in the idea of a higher
being. I couldn't help myself, it was such a new experience. Then I noticed
I was feeling shameful about sex, and hateful toward people who didn't
believe. They encouraged me not to talk to my parents. The final straw
came when I started wondering if God cared how hard I washed myself in
the shower. It was too much. I'm overcoming my addiction now, through
the power of irony. ExexExchurch is really helping me stay on the wagon.
- Bob, 35
I'd always wanted to be a singer, but unfortunately my complete lack
of rhythm and vocal ability got in the way, not to mention my lisp and
spitting problem. But at church that didn't matter. They let me sing as
much as I wanted; they even let me sing solo a couple of times, which
was fantastic. They were really enjoying it, I could tell by their squints.
I felt like I belonged there
soon I was going to church as often
as I possibly could. I became celibate and started going door to door
handing out religious pamphlets, almost every day. Sometimes I'd sing
to people at their doors as I encouraged them to attend church. Then one
day a naked woman came to the door and I lost my voice. I realized a whole
part of life was passing me by. Now I take it one day at a time, sing
in the shower, and masturbate as much as humanly possible
- Virgil, 21
I became part of a church group at university because I really felt I'd
found people who were like me. They all wore brown shoes and cardigans;
I fitted in perfectly. While other students were having keg parties, we'd
be praying and having competitions to see who was more virginal than anyone
else. I usually won because I didn't know what a nipple was, although
there was that one time a visiting student told us he'd never taken his
pants off in his life. I felt so superior to everyone, and it made me
feel very secure. And then one night I took a wrong turn and ended up
at the Porn and Prawn Party. I can't describe how liberating an experience
that was
Before the evening was over a nice young man had helped
me to discover my clitoris. We've been married for nearly 9 years now.
I still have the urge to attend church every now and again, but my husband
gets out the porn and I get back on the right track. And it's great to
know that others like me are being helped by exexExChurch.
- Bonnie, 27