The Porn Siren

Help is finally at hand for all those parents who have
no control over their children!
The Porn Siren is the Ultimate in Child Security
After installing the Porn Siren on your PC, you
need never worry about watching your children again. This incredible software
does all the work for you. Now you can let the computer do the babysitting,
secure in the knowledge that the Porn Siren is doing it's job.
Here's how it works: The Porn Siren sits unobtrusively on your harddrive,
monitoring all webpages visited by underage surfers. The second a porn
site is accessed, the easy-to-install 210db megaphone screams into action,
emitting a loud wailing noise. This siren instantly alerts you to an outbreak
of natural sexual curiosity in your child, allowing you to crush it within
seconds! Now you can wave goodbye to all those embarrassing talks about
sex, thanks to the Porn Siren!
Available soon, only from this website. Optional purple
siren with added shame enhancer sold separately.
Disclaimer: Porn Siren does not detect or protect
your child from racial or religious hate sites, death and dismemberment
sites, news sites or politicians.
PS: If you are interested in stopping your children from seeing inappropriate
adult material, you may wish to check out the parental control software
products listed here.
You may also want to consider having that talk.